The Stinkbug and the Skunk Lyrics and chord charts

Here are the words and guitar tabs for The Stinkbug and the Skunk, under the Youtube video of the song.


The Stink Bug and the Skunk (just because you’re bigger)
By Bryant Oden


C                            G                      F                             C
Once there was a stink bug that marched up to a skunk
               F                          C                              F                                      G                          
He said inch per inch I’ve got more stench even though I’m much more shrunk
         C                            G                              F                          C
You prance around with so much pride at the damage you can do
   F                              C                                F         G             C
You lift your tail and free a smell that could turn a red rose blue

C                              G        F                              C
Just because you’re bigger doesn’t mean your better
F                         C                      F                          G
Just because I’m lighter doesn’t mean I’m just a feather
C                         G                      F                             C
one little distant thunder doesn’t always mean bad weather
          F                                C                        F           G     C
Your bark is much worse than your bite just like an Irish Setter
The skunk said my little friend those are such strong words
I think you’ll find in a short time that they were absurd
I would bet you’ve never yet been blasted by a skunk
If you had you’d know how bad and long you would have stunk

The stink bug said go ahead and spray me your worst
The skunk turned around, ready to astound, and gave a mighty burst
The stink bug laughed and then he asked “Is that the worst you’ve got?”
When they were giving noses out with stink bugs they forgot


The skunk said I’ve had enough, I’m done messing around
He threw the stink bug in his mouth and started to bite down
Just then there was an awful taste the worst he’d ever known
He spit the laughing stinkbug out and started running home

Just because you’re bigger doesn’t mean you’re better!


Page topic: chords and words to Bryant Oden’s Children Song “The Stinkbug and the Skunk”. Lyrics, guitar tabs and chord charts.